Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Fowlis takes a leap

As most of you know, I wrote my Fowlis Westerby novel in 2008 as part of NaNoWriMo. Since then it has undergone various revisions and while I've been putting various Fowlis stories on this blog, I haven't done much with it. And you know what? I feel bad about it. Fowlis is probably my "oldest" character (in terms of time I've had him, not age) and I'm not giving him the attention he deserves.

I think I've been trying to take a step back from all things paranormal which is, quite frankly, daft since my PhD thesis concerns the representation of haunted space in the modern horror film. Besides, I still love a good ghost story.

So I've vowed to have a workable version of the book by the end of the year! He's also made his Twitter debut, and you can follow him here. I'm also hoping to have a few more stories to share with you. All speed ahead!


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